Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Fighting Chance

A Fighting Chance is getting a cover!! It's in the works right now and I can't wait to show it to everyone! I'm also currently looking for beta readers for AFC, so if you've read Just A Touch feel free to email ( me so I can send you an ARC.

As for Just A Touch we hit 50 adds on Goodreads! So the winner of the free ebook is Sandra! Hope you enjoy it!!

Okay, I must get back to it. Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed Just a Touch. Looking forward on how Ethan would shake Arianna's and Chase's world. He is very intriguing. Would love to get hold of that ARC. <3

    Bheiy @My Book Cushion
    Recent post (Surprise!): Just a Touch Brittany Delys Book Review
