Tuesday, February 11, 2014

I'm Back!

Hello Blogger World!

So I am officially back up and running. New laptop - check (this one types!) Back to work - check (darn) And writing AFC again! - check (woo hoo!!).

Okay, so I am officially back into edit mode on A Fighting Chance, book 2 in the Triad series! It is coming along nicely and hopefully I will get it out to a test group in the next few months. If you haven't read Just A Touch yet I will be doing a giveaway once my Goodreads numbers get to 50 adds. We're at 45 now so only 5 to go! If you haven't added the book to your list yet you should. :) You never know, you may be the lucky person who gets it for FREE!

Thank you to those who have bought the book and read it. I hope you liked it! The price has been reduced to $2.00 and it will stay that way until the next time I decide to do a sale. It will definitely go on sale once A Fighting Chance is released, but that could be a while since I'm still updating and editing the story.

If you've read Just A Touch and are interested in being a test reader for A Fighting Chance just leave me a comment below and I'll contact you.

Okay that is all for now! I will hopefully have more updates on the books I have in the works in the next few weeks.

Happy Reading!


  1. Hi, my name is Olivia Gavilan, I test read Just a Touch back when it was called With One Touch. I would be very interested in test reading A Fighting Chance as well.

    1. Hey Olivia,

      Shoot me an email so I have your correct address and I'll send it your way once I'm done with my edits. Thanks!
