Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Time Has Come!!!

So everyone get excited! The time has come to reveal the cover for Just A Touch!!
Now, before I reveal it I just want to say a huge thank you to Corrie Bates who designed and drew the cover for me. She is fantastic. So I guess you just want to see the cover now, huh? In a minute.

First, I will give you the promised snippet from Just A Touch.  This will be the final teaser, snippet, sneak peak, whatever you want to call it until the book is released. When will that be you ask? Sometime in the next week. I know I'm so vague. I will tell you that Just A Touch is in the final formatting stage and once that is complete I will upload to Amazon and Barnes & Noble. I will also let everyone here know that it is out as well as add it to Goodreads. It will probably get added to Goodreads sometime today so that you can go ahead and put it on your to read lists.

So now for the snippet I promised. Enjoy!

     I stand frozen in shock watching as the blood staining the front of his shirt grows. Dad reacts first, dropping down beside Chase, checking his pulse, and applying pressure to the wound on his chest. “His pulse is weak. We need to get him to the hospital immediately.”

     The urgency in his voice brings me back and I drop to the ground beside Chase. “Let me do it Dad. I can save him, if I’m not already too late. I know I can.” The realization that I may be Chase’s only hope terrifies me, but if what he says about me is true I should be able to do this. I just hope I believe enough in myself to do it.

 And now for the cover!! Let me know what you think! :)

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what your story is about, but I do feel that the cover would fit a children's book perfectly, but not a teen book.
