Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Fighting Chance Teaser 2 plus...

Hey Everyone!

I'm working hard on editing AFC! It's coming along nicely. Look for the cover reveal to come shortly! So excited!!

But, to hold you over for a bit, here is a teaser for you!

A Fighting Chance - Teaser 2

"I feel a tear readying itself to fall from my eye when Ethan shifts, sliding an arm around me and pulling me close. It’s meant to be a comforting gesture—I can tell—but it causes the tears to start falling. For everything we've lost, for everything we've gained, for… Well, everything."

Also, just as a little tidbit of information for my wonderful readers (that's you), I'm also working on the third and final book of the Triad Trilogy (Let Them See) AND a New Adult novel (or two). So be on the look out in the coming months for updates on those as well!

Happy Reading!!

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